WHAT the Data?!

Alexey Grigorev (OLX Group) - Product-oriented data science (#9)

Michael Stiller and Alexey Grigorev Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode, Michael and Alexey Grigorev talk about Product-oriented data science, How to start a data science project? How to make sure we're building the right thing? and more in a super interesting episode from the side of the data scientist and how he see things working.

Alexey thinks Data is important because it's the ultimate truth and he still eats chips for lunch.

If you wish to learn more, Alexey was kind to generate a unique discount with his publishing house giving you a 35% discount code (good for all our products in all formats): podwtd20

You can refer to this link: http://mng.bz/V8Dr

Alexey was also kind to share with us five codes for his book "Machine Learning Bookcamp 
Build a portfolio of real-life projects" you can get your free copy by the following form: https://forms.gle/UdfmBrkBcs9Z7cdS6